Exposition stationstraat 16, Zutphen, Netherlands

19 juni 2022 – 6 april 2023

Stationsstraat 16
7201 MD

Artists: Coen Derickx, Rianne Heitmeijer

Galerie Stationsstraat 16

Exposition with the new works of art by Coen Derickx.

Coen Derickx works with the physical properties of materials.
While experimenting Coen learns what the material “wants” and develops a symbiotic technique depending on Artist control and material properties.
With the execution of focused physical actions the material forms naturally and organically.
Balance between variables is instrumental in creating the objects. The reaction between water, air and physical material creates the large and small shapes.
Trough color and composition the material is transformed in A expressionistic fashion.

Stationsstraat 16
7201 MD